Consul ports and what they are used for

Here is an overview of the firewall rules needed by Consul to operate correctly.

Ports required by Consul servers and agents:

  • 8301 (tcp and udp): Gossip protocol between agents and servers.
  • 8400 (tcp): Used for RPC communication from the commandline tools.
  • 8500 (tcp): HTTP API.
  • 8600 (tcp and udp): DNS interface.

Ports used by Consul servers only:

  • 8300 (tcp): Used to handle incoming connections by Consul agents
  • 8302 (tcp and udp): Gossip protocol between Consul servers
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When SysOps need workflow.... Introducing Apache NiFi.

If you are a SysOps person, you probably have to deal with a lot of data generated by your servers, and in order to run an efficient IT department, you must be able to receive almost real-time notifications when something goes wrong. While there are already a lot of tools out there, sooner or later we always end up with our own scripts to tie everything together.

When I started experimenting with Apache NiFi, I came to realize that there are better ways to manage your servers' data flow...

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New website launched.

Our new website has been launched. Hope you all like it!

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